Room Draw

Room Draw is a housing lottery in which returning students select their dorm and room for the following year.

Red lantern, a plant, and other objects on a dorm windowsill.

Room Draw Process

The goal of the Room Draw process is to assign every student a room in a fair manner. Consequently, Room Draw outcomes are determined by:

  • the availability of spaces, 
  • the demand for each of the housing choices,
  • class sizes,
  • and the assignment of a random, computer-generated time slot to each student.

Every returning student is assigned a randomly generated time slot within their class year. Students will select housing according to their class year and time slot.

Housing is selected using a class year seniority system, with seniors selecting first, followed by juniors, then sophomores. Single rooms are not guaranteed. Rising sophomores are strongly encouraged to plan for having a roommate, especially if they receive a time slot in the later half of their class year.

Housing Accommodations

The Access Services and Residential Life offices collaborate to work with students who seek accommodations directly related to documented disabilities or medical conditions. While dorm preferences are considered, students are assigned housing that meets the accommodation and reflects the student's class year. As a result, students may be assigned to lower-ranked dorm choices. Some examples of housing accommodations might include access to a room with air conditioning capabilities, a building with an elevator or assignment to a first-floor room, or an emotional support animal or a service animal. Returning students seeking housing accommodations should contact Access Services by March 1

Learn more about Accessibility and Accommodations

Room Draw Dates and Deadlines

Spring 2025 Room Draw information will be available to students on eRezLife. 

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